Slow down. Breathe. Become present. Listen to meditations, sleep stories, mindfulness activities and soulful conversions. Written and hosted by Claire Charters, the sole purpose of this show is to provide digital nourishment that has been curated with the intention to steep the soul and connect.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
A Destress Meditation: Pause. Breathe. Check-In With Yourself
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
We live in a busy culture, where success is often measured by how busy we are, how much we hustle, how many things we can multi-task, how much we work and so forth. Then, add to all this busyness the pings and dings of email, mobile phone and social media. It is no wonder for many of us we are stressed, overwhelmed, tired and distracted.
Time has become a resource that many of us don’t have enough of. As we race around our day trying to catch up or keep on top of everything, we tend to breathe fast or irregular, get stressed and get overwhelmed. It is only natural that this leads to some form of stress, anxiety, and difficulties focusing.
How we feel daily comes in ebbs and flows, and that is entirely normal. But all too often, when we are not feeling great or are not on our A-game, we panic, beat ourselves up, and ultimately drive up our stress levels, which only make things worse. But instead of panicking, we need to be more accepting. Acknowledge that we are not on our A-game today. Then pause, breathe and become present. We need to be ok with not being our best on the day.
Accepting how you feel will reduce its emotional impact on you, resulting in less stress, overwhelm, fatigue, and anxiety. Make it a daily ritual to check in with yourself, process the emotions, breathe through them and then just let them go.
Giving yourself 5-10 minutes a day to relax will help you accept when things aren’t perfect, and it will give you a different metric for success (one that supports joy rather than perfection).
Join me now for a meditation where we release worries, get a fresh perspective and feel calmer and more joyful.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Nature Challenge: 10 Minute Mindfulness Activity To Connect With Nature
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
It's been said that noticing and giving attention to things outside yourself is one of the greatest and purest forms of generosity. Tuning in and becoming one with nature is an example of this.
Nature, like us, is alive. When we spend time in nature, all its goodness permeates our mind, body, soul. It positively affects our mood, our health and our own perception of the world around us.
The sights, sounds, smells, textures and tastes in the air bring our senses alive, and nature invites us to slow down and become present.
When you follow paths through nature - do you ever feel like it is healing you?
Nature helps to reduce stress, calm anxiety and slow our breath, heart and pace of life down. It boosts our immunity, and anywhere from an hour a day out in nature helps us get a better night of sleep, rest and rejuvenation.
For the first challenge go outside and spend five minutes fully present and immersed in nature. Engage all your senses, and go from "doing" to "being". Feel, live and breathe the experience in the present moment rather than getting caught up in your thoughts.
Give yourself the opportunity to really settle in and feel a genuine connection with nature. Observe all the different layers of nature from the smallest insects buzzing in the flowers, to the clouds floating in the sky.
Notice how you feel while taking time out to connect with nature. Notice what you hear? Write down any experiences that came up for you in nature.
Sunday May 09, 2021
Gratitude For The Breath Meditation
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
There is great healing and power to be found in breathing, gratitude and sitting in stillness.
As we rush about our busy lives, we forget to stop and appreciate the gift of the breath and the gift of life itself.
This guided meditation will bring you into a place of stillness, enabling you to have a deep respect and appreciation for this moment, for your breathe and for your life.
"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." ~Oprah Winfrey
We have all been breathing our entire live's, but it’s only when we stop and take the time to truly breathe: slowly, mindfully and gratefully that we find great inner peace in the power of "just being".
Sitting in a space of having a deep appreciation for "just being" is truly a transformative experience.
Even better, gratitude has been scientifically proven to strengthen your immune system, make you happier and bring about a deep sense of inner peace.
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Connecting With The Creative Muse Within [Week Nine]
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
We all hold the power of creativity. We all have the creative muse live within us. The creative muse is our source of inspiration and creativity. The hard part is quietening down the noise of the outside world so that we can connect and honour our own creative muse within.
Connecting with your own creative muse will inspire you to step out of fear and live creatively, which does not have to mean pursuing a life that is professionally devoted to the arts or creative endeavours but living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity, joy and inspiration rather than by fear. If you want to write poetry or play music or paint, the creative muse will help you do that. But if you want to garden, take hip-hop lessons, play golf, build a tiny home or raise horses, the creative muse will be there for you also.
We all have those things in our life that bring us great joy, comfort and enthusiasm, things like our favourite places, activities, rituals, people or things.
Tapping into the things that bring us joy is the portal to connecting with our own inner creative muse. The things that bring joy to our heart have the potential to heal, inspire, motivate, uplift, connect and reveal. In our fast-paced world, these very things that bring us joy also become our sanctum or place of solace when we need some restoration, rejuvenation and a little inspiration.
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Chasing Slow, Intentional + Simple[Week Eight]
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
When you slow down you see and appreciate the beauty that you never saw before. When you live with intention you actively choose what is important to you and drop the rest. When you simplify you create space for meaning and purpose to unfold.
By slowing down and choosing to live more intentionally and simply you dispose of negative energy, and instead draw in positive energy. Not only will this shift make you feel light within, you become more able to live your life with ease. Also, by de-cluttering your entire life you also enhance your manifestation power by creating the space within to attract abundance.
Clearing out the clutter in your mind as well as physically decluttering your home, inbox and anything else that may be taking up space in your energetic field will bring you more mind-body wellness and is also a great way to clear the path for miracles to materialise.
Thank you for joining me for week 8 of the Everyday Miracles Course. Today we will be dipping into slow, intentional and simple living. There is also a breath awareness meditation that goes along with today’s lesson.
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Guided Meditation To Connect With Your Own Creative Muse
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Today we are going to take a journey together to reconnect with our own creative muse within. In all our busyness and getting lost in all our doing it is easy to disconnect from our own inspiration and creativity. Maybe you have the ideas within, but you cannot find the inspiration or motivation to act. Or maybe your mind and life is so cluttered and busy that you cannot process your inspiration and creativity therefore making it hard to bring it into your own reality. Or maybe you are tired, weary and worn down and have no creativity or inspiration left within.
It’s okay…and completely natural and normal to feel like this.
Often uncertainty can overwhelm you… and mindless busyness, anxiety and stress can drown out the voice of your own inner creativity.
When dealing with creativity it is easy to have moments like this… moments where you feel blocked… stuck… not able to tap into your own creativity and let it flow into your work… into your life…
Harnessing creativity requires a mindful choice to slow down, de-stress and quieten within. Today we are going find that quiet space within so that you can hear the voice of your own creative muse.
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
A Guided Sleep Meditation With Whales
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Bring your mind, body, and spirit into harmony; and drift off to sleep more soundly with this deep relaxation sound bath. A meditation that will feel like you are floating in the ocean alongside the whales: a little ethereal and entirely soothing. Press play, turn up the volume and close your eyes. And then, hopefully, drift into a deep and relaxing nights sleep as the whales sing you to sleep.
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
B R E A T H Awareness Meditation
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
We live in a society that is predominately oxygen starved. Our busy schedules, never-ending pressures and overall fast pace of life causes many of us not to breathe properly. A big percent of the population in the world breathe too shallow and fast. This means that we are not taking in sufficient levels of oxygen, the result of an oxygen starved body is toxic build up which makes it hard to naturally relax and overtime it can lead to disease and long-term stress, anxiety and fatigue.
Slow mindful breathing can transform your life. In our busy, frenzied and stressful world taking time out creates space within, a place where you feel at peace and are reminded of how important it is to slow down and not race through this life. A daily ritual of mindful breathing also has the power to heal your body and mind on both an emotional and physical level .
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Become Self-Actualised And Empower Yourself [Week Seven]
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
What if we don't need to be any more than we are? What if we are enough?
The invitation of today's lesson is to encourage you to love, honour and respect yourself. Just as you are.
Owning our journey, our lessons and our truth - it frees us. It frees us from the suggestion that we are not enough and that we should contribute more or become something greater.
The only person who gets to define our success is ourselves. And the only person by whose measure we are worthy, is our own.
So, don't wait to be saved by a person, an opinion or a credential. Because you'll be waiting for eternity. It's time to look within to save yourself.
Today's lesson in the Everyday Miracles Course is about honouring the true self and becoming more self-actualised. The definition of self-actualisation is “The realisation or fulfilment of one's talents and potential, something that is present in everyone”.
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Guided Meditation For Self-Worth
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
All too often we question our self-worth and own inner knowing when we choose to measure ourselves with our own past experiences and other people. Dis-empowering ourselves we often measure our future and our own self-worth based on what’s happened to us in the past.
We have all at one time or another allowed our headspace to be filled with thoughts such as Am I worthy? Can I trust in my own inner knowing? Am I good enough? And so forth.
This negative mindset does not serve you, not only does it make you feel miserable, but it becomes a road-block for happiness, inner peace and overall health and well-being.
Truth is, that there is nothing you can do that can diminish your own worth. All your experiences and choices – the good and the bad – the right and the maybe not so right – are all the reasons why you are who you are today.
Yes, just like the rest of us all, you have made some bad choices and mistakes. There are probably things you wish you didn’t do or say. There are probably even things you wish you did say or do. And chances are there are things you wish you could take back and do better.
Just because you have made mistakes does not mean you are not worthy. Just because there are people out there who may deem you unworthy – does not make you unworthy.
In todays meditation we are going to take a journey ‘into the self’, connecting with that place within you that only knows love, peace, self-worth and self-trust.
Becoming self-empowered and having self-worth can happen in a moment. For all the love, healing and wisdom you need has been with you all along, it resides within you as you, and all you need to do is learn how to connect with it.
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Connecting To Divine Guidance [Week Six]
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
There are many stories out in the world about people in their darkest hours having an ‘awakening’ ‘seeing the light’ ‘connecting to divine wisdom’ ‘finding god’ and so forth. From recovering drug and alcohol addicts, people fighting diseases and depression to people who have suffered extreme loss or abuse. Many people have found peace and clarity in their darkest of moments.
It is thought that the reason people find wisdom and peace in their own darkest of hours is because they have reached a place of so much pain that they are willing to do anything to change; surrendering any needs of the ego and asking to be shown another way.
While many people say they experienced a miracle – the truth is that they have been connected with love and divine guidance their entire life. It’s just that it took reaching a low place with nowhere to go; for them to be “awaken” to the invisible truth, love and guidance that exists for all.
Divine guidance and support is available to us at all times, so ideally it is best not to wait till your darkest of moments to connect with the higher source or have a profound awakening. Instead, each day set the intention to connect with divine guidance on a daily basis.
You are never alone, and the love and support of divine guidance is there for you every moment of every day - you just need to take the time to get quiet within and 'ask'.
Just as plugging a computer into an electrical source gives it the power it needs to run, you must also “plug in” to the divine source regularly so that your heart remains fully charged.
When your heart is fully charged and alive, you will surpass the boundaries of your limited ‘ego-mind’ and start functioning at optimal levels - your life will go from surviving to thriving.
Thank you for tuning into the sixth lesson of the Everyday Miracles course where we will go through ways and habits on how to connect with divine guidance and wisdom.
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Connecting With Divine Guidance Meditation
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Thank you for joining me for a meditation. In today’s meditation we will take a journey together where we will connect with the higher self, the universe and a spirit guide to seek what we need – whether that be wisdom, inspiration, love, support or guidance.
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
There is a popular saying that where your focus goes, your energy flows. In other words, your life is created by how you think and act. The universe brings to you what you focus on, therefore it is crucial to live with mindfulness, choosing your thoughts and intentions with self-awareness.
Welcome to week 5 of the Everyday Miracles Course. Today we will be getting into the good stuff, delving into some practical things you can do to start manifesting. Manifesting is about creating the experience of what it is that you want to feel or attract — and then following it up by living and believing in that experience so that your desire is attracted to you and then comes into form.
Manifesting can be used to attract anything into your life. Nothing is off limits -it may be a business, relationship, health, way of feeling or even a material object.
Manifesting is about co-creating with the universe, and when we align with the energy of the universe we can manifest things far bigger than our original dream. The key to manifesting is that you must stay open to all possibilities – even the ones that are beyond what you think you need.
When you align with the loving energy of the Universe, there are no limits to what you can attract.
Manifesting is the process of vibrating at a high frequency so that you become a vibrational match with the Universe and can co-create your world.
In today’s episode we will be talking about how to increase your energetic vibration + live with intention so that you become aligned with the energy of the universe. Firstly, we will cover some of the big do’s and don’ts of manifesting and then after that I will share with you several practices you can start implementing today to help raise your vibration.
Listen to my tea ritual here >>>
Read more about intentional journaling and get my free journal templates here >>>
How to write your own affirmations here>>>
Listen to the energy-tune up meditation that goes along with today’s lesson here >>>.
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Energy Tune-Up + Realignment Meditation
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Thank you for joining me for today’s meditation where we will do an energy tune-up. This is a great practice to do when you feel a little off centre, unbalanced, physical unwell or not aligned with your true authentic self. It is also good to do as a regular practice to keep your mind and body’s energy in-check and keep the good vibes flowing.
Today we will journey together in purifying and cleansing the energy of the mind and body, enabling us to step into a space that resonates at a higher vibration – a space where we attract more easily into our life wellness, peace and abundance.
A meditation that invites you to let go of any limiting thoughts, toxicity and fear. To let go of all that no longer serves you.
This meditation is a companion to the fifth lesson in the Everyday Miracles free online course .
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Finding Your Purpose [Week Four]
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Welcome back to lesson four in the Everyday Miracles course. I am super excited about today’s topic where together we are going to delve into how to find your purpose. When we live in alignment to our purpose we start living each day with a deeper sense of meaning.
In today’s lesson I will share with you 20 ideas you can put into practice to reconnect with your purpose and find meaning in your everyday.
It is my hope that in today’s lesson you will get a few little takeaways that help you on your journey to seeking out your own life of purpose and meaning. There is also a meditation that goes along with today’s lesson that will guide you in getting closer to your life’s purpose. The link to the Finding Your Purpose meditation can be found here >>>>
If you are more visual and would prefer to read then you can head over to the full course at botanicaltrader.com [click here]
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Finding Your Purpose Meditation
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
This meditation is a companion to the fourth lesson in the Everyday Miracles free online course , a meditation that will guide you to tapping into your life’s purpose.
Your life purpose can be absolutely anything. But most importantly it’s about making sure that your truest and authentic self shows up in the world.
This is a meditation that will help you think about your next step.
No matter what comes up for you in today’s meditation I want you to remember that there is no right or wrong. There is no you’re on the right path or you’re on the wrong path. Because living our purpose can often be really messy, disorientating or confusing. But that’s the whole idea behind living on purpose – it’s about creating a path that no one else has laid out for you. You are trailblazing a new path for yourself and at times you will fumble, fall and make mistakes. But what’s most important is that you get back up and continue to walk your most authentic self forward.
This meditation is not meant for just now. Even though, hopefully, you may receive a little inspiration, guidance or inner wisdom over the course of today’s meditation. It is designed for deeper contemplation, so you can take the questions from today and just be with them over the next day, week or months. Delve into them more deeply on a regular basis.
The beauty about opening yourself up, taking time for self-reflection and asking questions is that the moment you do this – the universe starts to open up to you, it starts to move and respond to your questions. Especially when they come from a sincere place and are asked with genuine intention.
When your truest self comes forward and opens up, the universe will be there to support, guide and nurture you. You just have to be present within so that you can see the signs, opportunities and synchronicities when they arrive.
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Everyday Miracles: The Art Of Living Well [Week Three]
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Welcome back to lesson three in the Everyday Miracles 12 week audio course. Today we will be talking about The Art Of Living and how to turn daily living into an act of grace
There is also a meditation call Nature Therapy that goes along with today’s lesson. You will find the link to this meditation here >>>.
In a life that is full of options, it is easy to become overwhelmed. After all, we live in a culture where we supposedly get our comfort from accumulating an abundance of stuff, whether that stuff be physical things, experiences or career successes.
In our busy and harried world, with overbooked schedules and not enough time in the day, it can sometimes feel that life is just passing us by. If you are like myself and so many people I know, then chances are that all too often you probably feel like more of an observer in life as opposed to being an active participant?
Today’s resource is focused on the art of living well. I will share my thoughts on what intentional slow living can do for our souls and how choosing to seek out the extraordinary within those everyday ordinary moments can become a life-transforming practice.
If you are more visual and would prefer to read then you can head over to the full course at botanicaltrader.com [click here]
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Nature Therapy Meditation
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
This meditation is a companion to the third lesson in the Everyday Miracles free online course , where we journey into a world of stillness so that we can appreciate the extra-ordinary within the ordinary.
Many of us are never still. We live in our heads, trying to analyse, organise, strategise, and figure everything out. We are all seeking happiness, meaning and answers, yet all too often our busy minds prevent us from seeing the truth, beauty and joy that surrounds us each and every day.
When we tap into the power of stillness our life can change dramatically. We learn to stop experiencing life through the mind and instead start experiencing life with the heart. We move from noise to silence, from doing to being.
When you intentionally take the time to slow down and rest in stillness your senses become more heightened - you can hear more, feel more and see more. Time slows down and as a result you become present, alive, and receptive.
Connecting with your own feeling of inner stillness is both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time.
Today we are going to do something a little different. We are going to head outside in nature where we will take a few moments to slow down and become silent. It is a practice that is designed to quieten you down within so that all your senses become more heightened. And in this more heightened space of stillness you will cultivate a deeper appreciation for the present moment and all that surrounds you.
You can do todays practice in your own backyard, at a local park or by the ocean, a waterfall or on-top of a mountain. If the weather isn’t ideal where you are today, or you prefer to stay inside then find yourself a comfortable position in front of a window that looks out on a little bit of nature – doesn’t matter how big a view you have of nature – it can be the sky, a tree, a little bit of grass or maybe even an indoor potted plant.
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Strong Back, Soft Front + Wild Heart [Week Two]
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Welcome back to week two on my free 12 week online course Everyday Miracles. Our second lesson is about beginning a new chapter in life were you dare to embrace your inner truth so that you can live your life authentically, on purpose and to the fullest of potential.
At the very core of living a fulfilling, meaningful and contented life is the ability to live your life as authentically you with resilience and self-assurance. However, there is one big thing that gets in the way and stops most of us from living our best life - and that is the fear of not being good enough or accepted for who we truly are deep down.
Truth be known, life’s struggles, hard-times and critics have caused many of us to put up the armour around us in order to protect ourselves, and we are certainly not alone when we experience those thoughts that make us think we are not enough or have come up short yet again.
When we cultivate a strong back, soft front and wild heart within ourselves we are embodying wholeness. We are empowering ourselves to not only be brave enough to feel and experience life at full throttle but to be seen and heard for who we truly are.
It requires stepping out of ego and into the true self, where we have the awareness and ability to live our truth while being able to maintain a calm mind, emotional awareness and mental resilience. It enables us to be grounded, rooted and strong while remaining flexible, soft, adaptable and open to change – especially through the tough times, struggles and loss.
In order to create everyday miracles in your own life and attract abundance you need to stop living small by trying to fit in with the crowd, fearing rejection and trying to please others. You need to step up and be brave enough to truly live and speak your own truth, however you also need to have an inner resilience within that will enable you to be soft and gentle during the hard times.
When we cultivate a strong back, soft front and wild heart within ourselves, we can weather the storms of life with strength, wisdom, grace and an open heart. Our priority in life becomes about getting to know the true inner-self, developing self-awareness and mastering the art of growing and evolving throughout all the seasons in life – even through those times of struggle and uncertainty.
I have recorded a Strong Back, Soft Front and Wild Heart Meditation to go along with this weeks lesson.
If you are more visual and would prefer to read then you can head over to the full course at botanicaltrader.com [click here]
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Everyday Miracles: Start Co-Creating With The Universe [Week One]
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
The universe has just shifted. On todays episode I want to welcome you to my free 12 week online course that has been mindfully written to be your guide and friend as you journey into the world of co-creating with the universe.
This course will help re-orient yourself back to your true authentic self, connect with your inner knowing and intuition and inspire you to live your life intentionally and on purpose.
You’ll discover how-to live-in alignment with the energy of the Universe, allowing abundance to flow to you easily and naturally.
I have recorded an Abundance and Manifestation meditation to go along with this weeks lesson.
If you are more visual and would prefer to read then you can head over to the full course at botanicaltrader.com [click here]
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Strong Back, Soft Front + Wild Heart Meditation
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Welcome to todays practice. I would like to thank you for joining me on The OM Collective podcast for a meditation that will tap into your inner resilience, wisdom and internal knowing. Today’s meditation is a little longer than our normal, it is designed to go a little deeper, guiding you to tap into your inner strength so that you can rise strong within and actively step into your strongest, truest and happiest self.
Truth is, you already possess within you all that you need to become the best version of yourself. You have all the answers, wisdom and potential already within you. However, in our fast-paced and hurried life we often forget this and we loose touch with our most authentic selves and their full potential. But, that is where meditation comes in, when used as a regular practice meditation becomes your force for good – it is a road map that reconnects you back to your most resilient, wiser, calmer and happier self.
At the very core of living a fulfilling, meaningful and contented life is the ability to live your life as authentically you with resilience and self-assurance. However, there is one big thing that gets in the way and stops most of us from living our best life - and that is the fear of not being good enough or accepted for who we truly are deep down.
You are far from alone if you find yourself thinking I’m too scared to try. I’m afraid to fail. What will people say about me? What if I’m not good enough? What if they laugh at me? What if people think that I am crazy? And so forth.
Truth is, the fear of failure and what others will think is one of the biggest roadblocks when it comes to manifesting and living the life of our dreams.
This meditation is a companion to the second lesson in the Everyday Miracles free online course , a topic that delves into beginning a new chapter in life were you dare to embrace your inner truth so that you can live your life authentically, on purpose and to the fullest of potential.
Strong Backs, Soft Fronts and Wild Hearts is a phrase I heard recently on Brené Browns Podcast called “Unlocking Us” where she was talking about having a "Strong backs, soft fronts and wild hearts"
For me, these words were so inspiring and powerful that they breathed right into me and hit me hard in the heart.
Strong back, soft front and wild heart is now my daily mantra – reminding me that when life gets tough the most important thing I can do is remain calm, centred and authentic so that I remain strong enough to stay in a space where I still belong to myself – even if the outside world wants to challenge, reject or hurt me.
Truth be known, life’s struggles, hard-times and critics have caused many of us to put up the armour around us in order to protect ourselves, and we are certainly not alone when we experience those thoughts that make us think we are not enough or have come up short yet again. I truly hope this meditation can serve as a reminder to you that you are stronger than you know.
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Abundance And Manifestation Meditation
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
If there is one truth that I know for certain that is that the universe is here to support us all. It is here to work for us. And we are all here to co-create with the universe. We all have the power within to fulfil those wishes within.
Now, I am by no means saying it is easy. Because often life has other plans for us – however in some roundabout magical way we are always lead back to where we need to be.
Yes we may take a detour. Yes things may work out differently along the way. Yes we may change our dreams along the way as our inner self evolves. But if we choose to be open to whatever comes our way – we will always be lead to where we need to go.
Today I invite you to join me for a meditation on creating abundance and manifesting your dreams.
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Quick Mind Body Balance Meditation
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Calm your mind, settle your emotions and relax your body with this quick and easy breathing meditation.
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Progressive Muscle Meditation
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Meditation For Guidance, Support And Healing
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Join me on one of my favourite meditations - it is one I often do on my yoga retreats or yoga classes during savasana. This free guided meditation will not only relax your mind and body, but it will unlock divine guidance, healing and support available to you at all times.
We all have the answers we seek within us. Whether you need some guidance on how to move forward or you feel in need of a little more support - you will be guided to what you need through this free meditation.
Written and spoken by Claire Charters Join me on a yoga retreat at https://theomcollective.org
Or alternatively treat yourself to some of my hand-made, plant-based, natural home and body products over at https://botanicaltrader.com
The OM Collective Copyright 2020 All rights reserved. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
[Childrens Sleep Story] Goodnight Sugarloaf Bush Babies
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Our story takes place in the ancient land of Australia, where I will introduce you to a few of my very special friends who live in a very special place – by the banks of Sugarloaf Creek.
Together we will explore the secret places of Sugarloaf Creek, where we will tuck into bed and say good night to some of the most cutest, happiest and snuggliest of creatures you have ever seen. These odd yet cute little critters are called The Sugarloaf Bush Babies.
Bed time stories are a magical thing, something that has been around for thousands of years to help little children everywhere…. fall and drift…..into a deep deep nights sleep.
Bed time Stories are a magical way to end the day. For they envoke a sense of wonder and imagination within. And it must not be forgotten, the magic of bed time stories are not just for little children, for anyone can be enchanted by their charm.
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Find Your Calm And Drift Off To Sleep Audio Course : Day Seven [Surrender + Allow]
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Begin your journey to a good nights sleep with this 7 day audio program.
Sleep is something that many of us don't over-think - unless we have a chronic sleep disorder.
Truth is, sleep is fascinating. There is something very magical, mysterious and healing about those 8 hours of nightly shut-eye and throughout this little sleep box program we will delve a little deeper into the magic of sleep.
In today’s modern era, quality sleep is a luxury that so many of us don’t prioritise, make time for or know where to start. Many of us are guilty of ignoring the signs of tiredness in order to finish those late night projects, go out and socialise with friends or binge-watch the latest Netflix series.
A quality night’s sleep is crucial to both our physical and our mental health. With the rise of daily pressure, overwhelm and everyday busyness - insomnia, sleep issues and lack of sleep is fast on the rise.
We spend our days optimising our waking hours, doing our best to ensure we eat well, stay hydrated, indulge in things we enjoy and be proactive towards our dreams, goals and aspirations. However, what about those precious hours we spend sleeping [or trying to sleep]?
Many would argue that in order to live a productive and successful life that less sleep is better. Believing that the more we strive within our waking hours the more we will accomplish - and that napping, downtime and sleeping is only for the unmotivated or lazy.
Actually, truth be told, this very same opinion is widely held by modern day culture. The art of quality sleep is starting to become long forgotten as many of us hit our beds way too late only to wake up feeling foggy, tired, restless and desperate for that first sip of morning wake-up juice - AKA caffeine.
But what if I told you that a consistent habit of getting a quality nights sleep is the only remedy you need to become all that you wish to become. Sleep is the most active time for our brains, it is when our body heals and renews and it is the most important element to a more clearer, calmer and happier life.
Sleep affects everything you do. How healthy you are and how well you do things comes down to how much quality sleep you have had. Every aspect of life can be improved ten-fold when we get enough sleep.
If you enjoyed this episode then please subscribe to my podcast. If you would like to connect with me or access more of my free resources head over to www.theomcollective.org
This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.
All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from www.botanicaltrader.com and www.theomcollective.org
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Begin your journey to a good nights sleep with this 7 day audio program.
Sleep is something that many of us don't over-think - unless we have a chronic sleep disorder.
Truth is, sleep is fascinating. There is something very magical, mysterious and healing about those 8 hours of nightly shut-eye and throughout this little sleep box program we will delve a little deeper into the magic of sleep.
In today’s modern era, quality sleep is a luxury that so many of us don’t prioritise, make time for or know where to start. Many of us are guilty of ignoring the signs of tiredness in order to finish those late night projects, go out and socialise with friends or binge-watch the latest Netflix series.
A quality night’s sleep is crucial to both our physical and our mental health. With the rise of daily pressure, overwhelm and everyday busyness - insomnia, sleep issues and lack of sleep is fast on the rise.
We spend our days optimising our waking hours, doing our best to ensure we eat well, stay hydrated, indulge in things we enjoy and be proactive towards our dreams, goals and aspirations. However, what about those precious hours we spend sleeping [or trying to sleep]?
Many would argue that in order to live a productive and successful life that less sleep is better. Believing that the more we strive within our waking hours the more we will accomplish - and that napping, downtime and sleeping is only for the unmotivated or lazy.
Actually, truth be told, this very same opinion is widely held by modern day culture. The art of quality sleep is starting to become long forgotten as many of us hit our beds way too late only to wake up feeling foggy, tired, restless and desperate for that first sip of morning wake-up juice - AKA caffeine.
But what if I told you that a consistent habit of getting a quality nights sleep is the only remedy you need to become all that you wish to become. Sleep is the most active time for our brains, it is when our body heals and renews and it is the most important element to a more clearer, calmer and happier life.
Sleep affects everything you do. How healthy you are and how well you do things comes down to how much quality sleep you have had. Every aspect of life can be improved ten-fold when we get enough sleep.
If you enjoyed this episode then please subscribe to my podcast. If you would like to connect with me or access more of my free resources head over to www.theomcollective.org
This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.
All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from www.botanicaltrader.com and www.theomcollective.org
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Find Your Calm And Drift Off To Sleep Audio Course : Day Five [Media Consumption]
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Begin your journey to a good nights sleep with this 7 day audio program.
Sleep is something that many of us don't over-think - unless we have a chronic sleep disorder.
Truth is, sleep is fascinating. There is something very magical, mysterious and healing about those 8 hours of nightly shut-eye and throughout this little sleep box program we will delve a little deeper into the magic of sleep.
In today’s modern era, quality sleep is a luxury that so many of us don’t prioritise, make time for or know where to start. Many of us are guilty of ignoring the signs of tiredness in order to finish those late night projects, go out and socialise with friends or binge-watch the latest Netflix series.
A quality night’s sleep is crucial to both our physical and our mental health. With the rise of daily pressure, overwhelm and everyday busyness - insomnia, sleep issues and lack of sleep is fast on the rise.
We spend our days optimising our waking hours, doing our best to ensure we eat well, stay hydrated, indulge in things we enjoy and be proactive towards our dreams, goals and aspirations. However, what about those precious hours we spend sleeping [or trying to sleep]?
Many would argue that in order to live a productive and successful life that less sleep is better. Believing that the more we strive within our waking hours the more we will accomplish - and that napping, downtime and sleeping is only for the unmotivated or lazy.
Actually, truth be told, this very same opinion is widely held by modern day culture. The art of quality sleep is starting to become long forgotten as many of us hit our beds way too late only to wake up feeling foggy, tired, restless and desperate for that first sip of morning wake-up juice - AKA caffeine.
But what if I told you that a consistent habit of getting a quality nights sleep is the only remedy you need to become all that you wish to become. Sleep is the most active time for our brains, it is when our body heals and renews and it is the most important element to a more clearer, calmer and happier life.
Sleep affects everything you do. How healthy you are and how well you do things comes down to how much quality sleep you have had. Every aspect of life can be improved ten-fold when we get enough sleep.
If you enjoyed this episode then please subscribe to my podcast. If you would like to connect with me or access more of my free resources head over to www.theomcollective.org
This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.
All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from www.botanicaltrader.com and www.theomcollective.org
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Find Your Calm And Drift Off To Sleep Audio Course : Day Four [Gratitude]
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Begin your journey to a good nights sleep with this 7 day audio program.
Sleep is something that many of us don't over-think - unless we have a chronic sleep disorder.
Truth is, sleep is fascinating. There is something very magical, mysterious and healing about those 8 hours of nightly shut-eye and throughout this little sleep box program we will delve a little deeper into the magic of sleep.
In today’s modern era, quality sleep is a luxury that so many of us don’t prioritise, make time for or know where to start. Many of us are guilty of ignoring the signs of tiredness in order to finish those late night projects, go out and socialise with friends or binge-watch the latest Netflix series.
A quality night’s sleep is crucial to both our physical and our mental health. With the rise of daily pressure, overwhelm and everyday busyness - insomnia, sleep issues and lack of sleep is fast on the rise.
We spend our days optimising our waking hours, doing our best to ensure we eat well, stay hydrated, indulge in things we enjoy and be proactive towards our dreams, goals and aspirations. However, what about those precious hours we spend sleeping [or trying to sleep]?
Many would argue that in order to live a productive and successful life that less sleep is better. Believing that the more we strive within our waking hours the more we will accomplish - and that napping, downtime and sleeping is only for the unmotivated or lazy.
Actually, truth be told, this very same opinion is widely held by modern day culture. The art of quality sleep is starting to become long forgotten as many of us hit our beds way too late only to wake up feeling foggy, tired, restless and desperate for that first sip of morning wake-up juice - AKA caffeine.
But what if I told you that a consistent habit of getting a quality nights sleep is the only remedy you need to become all that you wish to become. Sleep is the most active time for our brains, it is when our body heals and renews and it is the most important element to a more clearer, calmer and happier life.
Sleep affects everything you do. How healthy you are and how well you do things comes down to how much quality sleep you have had. Every aspect of life can be improved ten-fold when we get enough sleep.
If you enjoyed this episode then please subscribe to my podcast. If you would like to connect with me or access more of my free resources head over to www.theomcollective.org
This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.
All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from www.botanicaltrader.com and www.theomcollective.org